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Adopt A Family

Something you want. Something you need.
Something to wear. Something to read.

We’ve had an extraordinary response to the 2024 Adopt-A-Family opportunity. All of the registered families have been adopted!

There are still ways to help families this holiday season! The Franklin Community Center would greatly appreciate donations of new winter clothing items, new toys, and new books. You may bring donations to the Franklin Community Center, 95 Washington Street, Saratoga Springs.

In partnership with:
Franklin Community Center

Requested Items

2-3 Years

  • Dolls and stuffed animals
  • Props for make-believe play
  • Musical instruments
  • Ride on toys with sound buttons
  • Puzzles
  • Construction toys that snap together
  • Crayons
  • Coloring books
  • Matching games

4-5 Years

  • Arts and crafts kits
  • Blocks of different shapes
  • Phonics games/toys
  • Construction sets with large pieces
  • Puzzles
  • Action figures
  • Barbies/Dolls
  • Dress-up clothes
  • Toy trucks, cars, etc
  • Fidget toys

6-7 Years

  • Remote-control cars
  • Pets Alive toys
  • Magic sets
  • Squishmallows
  • Basic science kits
  • Magnetic Tiles
  • Craft kits
  • Barbies/Dolls
  • Computer and video games
  • Legos or K’Nex
  • Strategy board games

8+ Years

  • Pokémon cards
  • Remote control cars
  • Journals
  • More elaborate science kits
  • Outdoor sporting equipment
  • Intricate construction sets
  • Board/card games
  • Complex Legos
  • Arts and crafts kits
  • Hair accessories

Tweens, Teens

  • Hair accessories
  • Curling Iron, Straightener
  • Makeup
  • Axe cologne & body sprays
  • Scented lotions and gels
  • LED Lights
  • Drawing supplies
  • Tie Dye Kit
  • Jewelry
  • Board/Card games
  • Hygiene Products
  • Fleece Blankets
  • Sports Balls/Equipment
  • Adult Coloring Books
  • Handheld Games


  • Dork Diaries
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Goosebumps
  • Big Nate
  • Harry Potter
  • Percy Jackson
  • Dog Man
  • Twilight
  • Divergent
  • Hunger Games

Clothing (All Sizes)

  • Shirts (long and short sleeve)
  • Hoodies
  • Sweatpants
  • Leggings
  • Jeans
  • Cozy Socks
  • Winter gear (coat, snow pants, hats, gloves)

**Snow Boots – Men’s and Women’s sizes!**


FAMILY PL- 101 A: Raven-Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child, Size 8; Pants- Child, Size 8; Shoes-Size 13
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Disney Descendents Rise of Red Dolls; Disney Descendents Rise of Red Clothes; Arts and Crafts/Painting
  • Something you need
    Socks; Underwear; Hats/Gloves

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 101B: Luca-Boy, Age 4

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Toddler Size 5T; Pants- Toddler Size 5T; Shoes-Size 12
  • Favorite Colors
    Blue and Red
  • Something you want
    Hot Wheels; Race Tracks; Spidey and his Amazing Spidey Friends toys
  • Something you need
    Socks; Underwear; Hats/Gloves

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 102A: Juliahna-Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts- Child M, Size 8; Pants- Child M, Size 8; Shoes-Youth 1-2
  • Favorite Colors
    Purple; Pink
  • Something you want
    Dolls; Make-up; Toys
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Shoes; Winter Gear
  • Something to wear
    Leggings/Jeans; Long-sleeved shirts; Socks

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 102B: Journei-Girl, Age 6

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child M, Size 8; Pants-Child M, Size 8; Shoes-Youth Size 2-2 1/2
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Dolls; Make-up; Hair accessories/Play Jewelry
  • Something you need
    Shoes; Clothes; Winter Gear
  • Something to wear
    Socks; Leggings; Long-sleeved shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 103A: Brooklyn- Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child M; Pants-Child L, Size 10; Shoes-Youth Size 2
  • Favorite Colors
    Pink, Black
  • Something you want
    American Girl Doll; Furby; Roller Skates
  • Something you need
    Grade Level Books
  • Something to wear
    Winter Pajamas; Leggings/Jeggings; Slippers

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-103B: Carter- Boy, Age 14

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Adults, Size XXL; Pants- Adults, Size XXL; Shoes-Mens-Size 14
  • Favorite Colors
    Red; Green; Blue; Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Play Station; X-Box
  • Something you want
    LED Lights; Snow Tube
  • Something you need
    Sneakers; Cologne/Body Spray; Comforter Set
  • Something to wear
    Sweatshirt; Sweatpants; Pajama Pants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 104A: Bentley-Boy, Age 11

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size L, 10/12; Pants-Child-Size L, 10; Shoes-Mens -Size 7.5-8
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Hot Wheels Super 6 Lane Raceway; Lego City Downtown Trolley Station; Pokemon Cards
  • Something you need
    Pants; T-Shirts; Pajamas
  • Something to wear
    Hoodies; Sweat-Wicking Clothing; Long-Sleeved Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL -104B: Eli- Boy, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child Size L/10; Pants-Child Size L 9-10; Shoes- Youth, Size 5.5-6
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Arts and Crafts
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Arcade Claw Machine; Magic Set; Light Up Harry Potter Wand
  • Something you need
    Pants; Pajamas; Character Boxer Briefs (Spiderman; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Five Nights at Freddy’s)
  • Something to wear
    Sonic Hoodie; Harry Potter; Sweat-Wicking Clothing
  • Something to read

    Harry Potter – Book #2

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 105A: Icelynn-Girl, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size

    Shirts-Child-Medium, Size 8/10; Pants-Child -Medium, Size 8/10; Shoes-Youth Size 1.5

  • Favorite Colors

    Blue and Pink

  • Something you want
    American Girl Doll; Blue Slime; Large Gymnastics Mat
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Shoes/Boots; Pajamas
  • Something to wear
    Hat/Gloves/Scarf Set; Underwear; Socks and T-Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-105B: Rasahn-Boy, Age 17

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Size Junior, Size XL; Pants-Junior , Size XL; Shoes-Mens-Size 8.5
  • Favorite Colors
    Red and Black
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Shoes/Boots; Pajamas
  • Something to wear
    Hat/Gloves/Scarf Set; Underwear; Socks and T-Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-106A: Mason-Boy, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Junior XL/10-14; Pants- Junior XL/10-14; Shoes-Youth-Size 5
  • Favorite Colors
    Likes all colors
  • Interests
    Likes name brands
  • Something you want
    Pokemon; Legos; Basketball Hoop and Basketball
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Winter Shoes; Large Art Set
  • Something to wear
    Shoes/Socks; Pants/Shirts; Boxers

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-106B: Lincoln-Boy, Age 4

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child M, Size 6-7; Pants- Child M, Size 6-7; Shoes-Youth, Size 13
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet, Black
  • Something you want
    Spiderman; Paw Patrol; Cars, Trucks, Buses
  • Something you need
    Twin Bedding set; Winter Clothing; Hygiene items
  • Something to wear
    Shoes/Socks; Jacket; Shirts/Pants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-106C: Bailey-Girl, Age 2

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Toddler, Size 4-5; Pants- Toddler, Size 4-5; Shoes-Toddler-Size 8M
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Violet, Black
  • Something you want

    Minnie/Mickey Mouse; Dollhouse accessories; Baby Dolls

  • Something you need
    Bath Toys; Winter Clothing; Twin Bed Set
  • Something to wear
    Shoes/Socks; Pants; Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 107A: Ivory-Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size S; Pants- Child-Size S; Shoes-Youth Size 1.5
  • Favorite Colors
    Purple; Pink
  • Something you want
    American Girl Doll; Doll; Blue Slime
  • Something you need
    Hat/Glove/Scarf Set; Underwear/Socks; T-Shirts
  • Something to wear
    Clothing; Shoes/Boots; Pajamas

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL–107B: Jose-Boy, Age 10

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Size M; Pants-Size M; Shoes-Youth-Size 4.5
  • Favorite Colors
    Blue and Black
  • Something you want
    Skateboard; Play Station 4 Games and Controller
  • Something you need
    Hat/Glove/Scarf Set; Underwear/Socks; T-Shirts
  • Something to wear
    Clothing; Shoes/Boots; Pajamas

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 108A: Jackson-Boy-Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child -Size -Small/9; Pants-; Child -Size -Small/9; Shoes-Youth Size 5
  • Favorite Colors
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Likes Silky/Soft Clothing
  • Something you want
    Spidey and his Amazing Friends; Mega Pikachu Lego; Comic Books
  • Something you need
    Sensory Toys; Twin Bed Sheets
  • Something to wear
    Ankle Socks; Sneakers (Nike, Adidas); Shorts/Soft Pants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL -108B: Dakota (Koko)-Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size

    Shirts- Child -Size -Small/8; Pants- Child -Size -Small/8; Shoes-Youth-Size 2

  • Favorite Colors
    Red and Purple
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Science (Flowers and animals); Drawing and coloring
  • Something you want
    Playdoh Pizza Delivery Scooter; Pokemon Carry Castle Beach Battle Playset
  • Something you need
    Twin Bed sheets; Warm Fuzzy Blanket; Hair Brush
  • Something to wear
    Pajamas; Comfortable Shoes; Jacket
  • Something to read
    Age appropriate chapter books

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 109: Alexander-Boy, Age 8 ½

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts- Child -Size Medium/10; Pants- Child -Size -Medium/8or 8 Slim; Shoes-Youth-Size 2
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Roblox Figures; Minecraft Toys; Legos
  • Something you need
    Desktop Organizer; Socks; Colored Construction Paper
  • Something to wear
    Sweatpants; Winter Boots; Long-Sleeved Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 110A: Azariah-Girl, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Clothing- Child L, Shoes-Womens-Size 6 1/2
  • Favorite Colors
    Orange, Yellow, White; Black, Light Green, Baby Blue
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Something you want
    Smart Watch; Butter Slime; Dentist Kit
  • Something you need
    Winter Coat; Gloves/Hat; Snow pants
  • Something to wear
    Leggings; Colorful Sweatshirts; Baggy Pants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 110C: Aubrey-Boy, Age 16

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts- Adult-Size Medium; Pants- Adult-Size Small; Shoes – Mens-Size 8
  • Favorite Colors
    Black, White
  • Something you want
    Chrome Hearts Air Force Sneakers; Rings; Posca Paint Markers
  • Something you need
    Pair of Thieves Boxers; Compression Shirts; Sweatpants
  • Something to wear
    Hoodies (Broken Promises); Affliction T-Shirts; DC Shoes

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL –110B: Ayuerieh-Girl, Age 12

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Adult-Size Small; Pants- Adult-Size Small; Shoes-Womens-Size 8
  • Favorite Colors
    Blue, Pink, Black, Light Pink; Teal
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Cosmetics and Jewelry
  • Something you want
    Uggs (Black); New Balance Shoes (Grey); EcoGel
  • Something you need
    Socks; Sports Bras (SixeM); Winter outer clothing
  • Something to wear
    Leggings; Nike Hoodies; Shirts with images of famous people

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 111A: Aubrielle-Girl, Age 7

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child -Size Small 7/8; Pants- Child -Size Small/6; Shoes-Youth -Size 13
  • Favorite Colors
    Pink and Purple
  • Interests
    Arts and Crafts
  • Something you want
    Melissa and Doug Wooden Vending Machine; Instant Print Camera; Thames and Kosmos Tall Gumball Machine.
  • Something you need
    Socks; Hats and Mittens
  • Something to wear
    Cardigan Sweaters; Leggings

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-111B: Brayton-Boy, Age 11

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts- Size Medium/10; Pants- Size Medium/8-10; Shoes-Youth-Size 4
  • Favorite Colors
    Red and Gold
  • Interests
    Arts and Crafts
  • Something you want
    Radio Controlled Boat or Shark; Drone with Camera; Robbx or Xbox Gift Cards
  • Something you need
    Fruit of the Loom Underwear; Winter Hat; Mittens

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 112A: Amir-Boy, Age 10 ½

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Size-Juniors M/L; Pants- Size-Juniors M/L; Shoes-Mens-Size 8.5
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Blue, and Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Building and Construction
  • Something you want
    Laptop; Learning toys
  • Something you need
    Basketball gear; Learning items
  • Something to wear
    Hat/Gloves/Coat; Pants/Pajamas; Shirts
  • Something to read
    Age appropriate books (Middle School)

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-112B: Lonelon-Girl, Age 6

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child -Size Small; Pants- Child -Size Small; Shoes-Youth-Size 13
  • Favorite Colors
    Purple and Pink
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Drawing and Painting
  • Something you want
    Toys/Dolls; OMG Dollhouse; Easel and Paints
  • Something you need
    Educational Items; Desk
  • Something to wear
    Shirts/Pajamas; Pants/Dresses; Coat/Hat/Gloves
  • Something to read
    Age appropriate books

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-113A: Emma May-Girl, Age 11

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size M/10-12; Pants- Child-Size M/10-12; Shoes-Youth-4/4.5
  • Favorite Colors
    Blue, Purple, Pink
  • Something you want
    Telescope; LED Make-Up Case; Bean Bag Chair
  • Something you need
    Snow Gear; Running Shoes/Gym Sneakers, Pajamas
  • Something to wear
    Sweaters, Bootcut Jeans (with expanders); Underwear/Socks

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-113B: Eoin-Boy, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size M 7/8; Pants- Child-Size M 7/8; Shoes-Youth-Size 3
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Orange, Green, Blue
  • Something you want
    Bicycle; Skateboard; Bean Bag Chair
  • Something you need
    Long-Sleeved Shirts; Socks; Pants
  • Something to wear
    Bootcut Jeans; Boxer Briefs; Sweatshirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL- 113C: Becket-Boy, Age 4

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Toddler Size 4T; Pants- Toddler Size 4T; Shoes-Toddler-Size 10
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Blue
  • Something you want
    Cowboy Boots; Playdoh; Bluey Characters
  • Something you need
    Long-Sleeved Shirts; Socks; Winter Boots
  • Something to wear
    Bootcut Jeans; Pajamas; Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-113D: Cooper-Boy, Age 2

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Toddler, Size 2T/3T; Pants- Toddler, Size 2T/3T, Shoes-Toddler-Size 8
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Green, Blue
  • Something you want
    Toddler Foldout Couch; Stepping Stones; Guardians of the Galaxy Characters
  • Something you need
    Winter Boots; Fleece Sweater; Hat and Gloves
  • Something to wear
    Pajamas; Bootcut Jeans; Socks/Underwear

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-114A: Ca’Dence-Girl, Age 17

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Size-Adult XXXL; Pants- Size-Adult XXXL/; Shoes-Womens-Size 11
  • Favorite Colors
    Green, Blue, Purple
  • Something you want
    Clothing; Hair Accessories; Make-Up
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Sneakers; Hygiene Items
  • Something to wear
    Hoodies; Sweatpants/Leggings; T-Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 114B: Zoeymiean-Boy, Age 13

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Juniors-Size XL; Pants- Size-Adult XXXL/; Shoes-Mens-Size 9
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    X-Box Remote/Games; Clothing; Falcons Fishing Gear
  • Something you need
    Clothing; Hygiene Items; Sneakers/Boots
  • Something to wear
    Hoodies; Sweatpants; T-Shirts

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-114C: Jess’tyce -Boy, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size 14-16; Pants- Child-Size 12; Shoes-Youth-Size 5
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Green, and Blue
  • Something you want
    Legos; Hot Wheels; Fishing Gear
  • Something you need
    Socks; Undershirts; Boxers
  • Something to wear
    Hoodies; Pajamas; Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-115A: Cassandra-Girl, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child M.8-10; Pants- Child M.8-10; Shoes-Youth Size 3
  • Favorite Colors
    Purple and Pink
  • Something you want
    Reborn Baby; Make-Up
  • Something you need
    Snowpants; Craft Projects; Twin size bedding
  • Something to wear
    Pants; Snow Boots; Snow Gloves
  • Something to read
    Descendants Book Series

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 115B: Benji-Boy, Age 5

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size Small5/6; Pants- Child-Size Small5/6; Shoes-Youth-Size 1
  • Favorite Colors
    Orange and Blue
  • Something you want
    Tablet; Sensory Toys/Tools; Sensory Regulation Items
  • Something you need
    Electronic Letter/Reading Toy; Building Projects; Scooter
  • Something to wear
    Footed Pajamas Size 7; Snowpants; Winter Boots; Gloves

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 116A: Augustus-Boy, Age 12

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Adults-Size M; Pants- Adults-Size M; Shoes-Mens-Size 9
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Blue and Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Something you want
    XBox One Games; Nintendo Switch; Fortnight Gift Card
  • Something you need
    Winter Boots; Snowpants; Coat
  • Something to wear
    Sweatpants; Long-sleeved shirts; Socks
  • Something to read
    Age appropriate books

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL-116B: Maximus-Boy, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size 10; Pants- Child-Size 10; Shoes-Youth-Size 3
  • Favorite Colors
    Red, Blue, White, and Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
  • Something you want
    Fortnight Gift Card; Nintendo Switch Games; Xbox One Games
  • Something you need
    Winter boots; Winter pants; Winter Coat
  • Something to wear
    Sweatpants; Long-Sleeved Shirts
  • Something to read
    Age appropriate books

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL – 117A: Madeline Girl, Age 10 ½

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Juniors-size 15-17-; Pants-Juniors Size 3; Shoes-Youth Size 5
  • Favorite Colors
    Yellow, Blue, White, Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Likes hair ornaments and hair care items
  • Something you want
    Music Box Machine; Sand Digging Kit; Snow Tube
  • Something you need
    Boots (not pink or purple); Gloves; Snowpants
  • Something to wear
    Pants (Short, Petite); Short-Sleeved Shirts; Underwear (Boys’ Shorts, Hanes Size 6)

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL -118A: Carmynne-Girl, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size L/10-12; Pants- Child-Size L/10-12; Shoes-Youth-Size 3
  • Favorite Colors
    Purple and Pink
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Likes to play dress-up
  • Something you want
    Cooking Set; Skin Care Items; Portable Speaker
  • Something you need

    Hygiene products for textured hair; Bedding set (full size); Clothing

  • Something to wear
    Pajamas; Socks; Slippers

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 118B: Ca’Myiah-Girl, Age 6

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size S 7/8; Pants- Child-Size S 7/8; Shoes-Youth -Size 1
  • Favorite Colors
    Blue, Purple, and Pink
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Likes to play dress-up
  • Something you want
    Dolls; Kitchen Set; Make-up
  • Something you need
    Hygiene Products (Textured Hair); Bedding Set (full size); Clothing
  • Something to wear
    Pajamas; Underwear; Slippers

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 118C: Ca’retto-Boy, Age 11

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size

    Shirts-Child-Size L/10/12; Pants- Child-Size L/10/12; Shoes-Youth-Size 6

  • Favorite Colors
    Blue and Black
  • Interests/Hobbies
    Training and playing with his dog
  • Something you want
    Dog items; Portable Speakers; Radio Control Car
  • Something you need
    Hygiene Products (textured hair); Bedding set (full size)
  • Something to wear
    Underwear; Socks; Slippers

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 119A: Oliver-Boy, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Favorite Colors

    Red, Blue, White, and Black

  • Interests/Hobbies
    Science; Astronomy; Engineering; NY Giants; NY Rangers
  • Something you want
    Hot Wheels; Legos; Science Activities
  • Something you need
    Crew Socks
  • Something to wear
    Sport Shirts; Turtle Necks

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 120A: Zayne-Boy, Age 8

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size M/8/9; Pants- Child-Size M/8/9; Shoes-Youth-Size 3
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Mine Craft; Roblox
  • Something you need

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL -120B: Jade-Girl, Age 16

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Juniors-Size S; Pants- Juniors-Size S; Shoes-Womens-Size 8
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Clothing; Make-up; Electronics
  • Something you need
    Hoodies; Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL -121A: Adriel-Girl, Age 15

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Juniors-Size XS; Pants- Juniors-Size XS; Shoes- Womens-Size 8
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Ulta Beauty Gift Cards; Art Supplies; Drawing Pad
  • Something you need
    Perfume; Body Scrubs; Ethnic Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Something to wear
    American Eagle zipped jeans; Shein Gift Card

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 121B: Brucan-Boy, Age 10

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-L/12; Pants- Child-L/12; Shoes-Youth -Size 6
  • Favorite Colors
  • Something you want
    Judon sneakers; V Bucks; Spiderman 2 for Play Station S
  • Something you need
    Gloves/Hat; Winter Boots; Winter Jacket and Snowpants
  • Something to wear
    Nike Clothes; Hoodies; Socks/Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 121C: Brodey-Boy, Age 9

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Size L/14-16; Pants-Child L/14-16; Shoes-Youth-Size 6
  • Favorite Colors
    Red and Black
  • Interests
    Sports, especially football
  • Something you want
    Ravens Jersey ; Jordan Sneakers; LED Projector (Galaxy themed)
  • Something you need
    Winter Coat; Gloves/Hat; Snowpants
  • Something to wear
    Jordan Clothes (no Jeans); Hoodies/TShirts; Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.


FAMILY PL 121D: Bradford-Boy, Age 6

(1st, 2nd & 3rd choice in order within each category)
  • Size
    Shirts-Child-Small/6-7; Pants- Child-Small/6-7; Shoes-Youth- Size 1
  • Favorite Colors
    Red and Orange
  • Something you want
    Drift Car; Nike Sneakers; Arts and Crafts
  • Something you need
    Gloves/Hat; Winter Pants; Winter Coat
  • Something to wear
    Nike; Hoodies/Sweatshirts; Sweatpants

*Please label gifts with Child’s Name and Family Number. If there are multiple bags/boxes, please label each with ‘1 of …’ so we know how many packages go to each family.