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Beds for Busoga

The Giving Circle Africa
The Giving Circle Africa
Bunk beds
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Beds for Busoga

All children should sleep in a proper bed, right? Of course. Everyone agrees with that. Yet, at The Giving Circle’s Busoga Primary School, we recently learned that more than 30 children — orphans and boarders — are sleeping on thin mattresses on the floor because the school did not have the financial resources during Covid to purchase enough beds.

Let’s fix that! Immediately!

The Giving Circle is today launching Beds for Busoga, a fund-raising drive to quickly raise enough money to allow our partners in Jinja to outfit the new Koi Koi House with beds for all students.

  • A child’s bed cost about $100 in Uganda
  • A bunk bed set is about $200
  • A “Belongings Box” cost about $25

For the cost of a meal on Broadway in Saratoga, you can lift up a Ugandan child by purchasing them a bed, just like your own children sleep in at home.

Anyone who donates at least $100 will be honored with their name on a bed at the Koi Koi House.

Donate online now and include “Beds for Busoga” in the comment field to designate your donation to the effort!