A most special thank you to Max & Milanna and their dad Michael Christopher Orza for all their love for the children of our Busoga primary school. Their gift of rebuilding our kitchen building will assure every child for many many years has 2 good meals each day, for many children the best and perhaps only meals they would have received.
The generosity of the Fernandez Family keeps the kitchen well supplied with local foods.
Bulk Food Delivery
During the COVID pandemic, the Ugandan government banned travel from the villages to city markets, creating a food shortage in the villages when the residents could not travel to purchase food supplies. Our TGCA team arranged a bulk delivery of badly-needed food.
Chicken & Livestock Buildings
Bethlehem Middle School (Delmar, New York) Chicken & Egg Building and Program
This special building and program not only provides improved nutrition for the students it also serves as a living sciences classroom as part of our advanced science programs. This program also serves as a farming trade classroom.
The Leo & Olga Geoffrion Heifer Barn and Program
As with the chicken & egg building this special building and program not only provides improved nutrition through the milk provided by its heifers for the students it also serves as a living sciences class room as part of our advanced science programs and farming trade classroom.
Busoga Chicken House
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